Grocery & Home Goods Shopping

July 26, 2021

26 Jul 2021 until 4 Sep 2021
All Day

Are you an international student who is new to Cincinnati and you (and your roommates?) need some things for your new-to-you living space?  Do you want to check out some culturally specific grocery stores in the area to stock up your kitchen?

IFI Cincy is matching Personal Shopping Assistants with international students this fall to help them prepare for the new school year.

Shopping destinations could include (but are not limited to):

  • IKEA
  • Jungle Jim’s
  • Target
  • Thrift stores
  • Home goods stores
  • Indian, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Asian Grocers
  • Other ethnically specific grocers

Available times and space for shoppers and cargo are limited, and vary by volunteer.

After registration, details of the date and time of the shopping trip are determined by the Personal Shopping Assistant and the student(s).

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